Biologists warn that global warming and the destruction of natural habitats will lead to significant declines and extinctions in the world?s 8,750 terrestrial bird species over the next century. In Scotland, they’re already noticing the disappearance of seabirds. It’s the middle of their breeding season, but the cliffs where there should be thousands of birds remain almost empty. And if we should be so unlucky (or foolish) as to have a nuclear accident, which bird species are most likely to disappear?
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Compared with Chinese people especially, Americans have trouble seeing ourselves as others see us. This may be because we are a culture that values individualism rather than cooperation.

New research shows that people from Western cultures such as the United States are particularly challenged in their ability to understand someone else?s point of view because they are part of a culture that encourages individualism. In contrast, Chinese, who live in a society that encourages a collectivist attitude among its members, are much more adept at determining another person’s perspective.
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A new study shows that giving city squares a makeover could offer a surprising benefit: reduced crime rates. A significant proportion of crimes are committed by adolescents, so don’t we do more to stop juvenile crime? It turns out we’re too intimidated by them to intervene when we see a crime being committed or to even report their offenses.
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A dead zone is an area of water where there is no oxygen, so the fish all die. There are “dead zones” in the Gulf of Mexico every year, but the current zone is the biggest anyone there has ever seen. Keep reading to find out why dead zones mean more SHARK ATTACKS on swimmers!

BBC News reports that “conditions are right” for this year’s zone to be even bigger than last summer’s, which measured 6,662 square miles. Dead zones are caused by fertilizer runoff. Fertilizer contains nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of algae, which then absorb all the available oxygen, leaving none for the fish.
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