Polar bears aren’t the only Arctic creatures suffering because their habitat is changing. Research has uncovered alarming evidence that high Arctic ponds, many which have been permanent bodies of water for thousands of years, are completely drying out during the polar summer, due to climate change. Arctic plants are faring better?they are migrating long distances in order to survive.

Researchers Marianne Douglas and John Smol have been studying the same 40 Arctic ponds for 24 years, and have recently found evidence of lower water levels and changes in water chemistry consistent with an increase in evaporation caused by warmer temperatures. Douglas says, “It was quite shocking to see some of our largest study ponds dry up by early summer.”
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To avoid Alzheimer’s, eat like an Italian. This can help prevent cancer too! And an apple a day?or at least an apple PEEL a day?may help keep cancer away.

Researchers have identified a dozen compounds in apple peel that either inhibit or kill cancer cells in laboratory cultures. Food science researcher Rui Hai Liu says, “We found that several compounds have potent anti-proliferative activities against human liver, colon and breast cancer cells and may be partially responsible for the anti-cancer activities of whole apples.”
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Is money the root of all evil? Not necessarily: paying your taxes?then giving the rest of your money (if there’s any left) to charity?can give you the same kind of satisfaction you get from eating when you?re hungry. And in a study, men with high testosterone levels rejected offers of free money.
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Whitley Strieber will take part in a tribute to retiring Coast to Coast AM host Art Bell on Wednesday’s show on July 18, when he will talk about the most important thing that ever happened to him with regard to Art in their long relationship (and friendship) with each other.

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