Not everyone thinks we should be investing so much time and money in the ISS, but there’s more than one reason to return to the moon: while it’s a source of a potentially perfect fuel to some nations, to climate change researchers, it represents the ideal place from which to study climate change on Earth.

Researcher Shaopeng Huang has found that surface temperatures on the near side of the moon accurately record important information about Earth’s climate system. Based on his analysis, he is calling for an international effort to develop and deploy monitoring stations on the moon for the study of global warming here on earth.
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Almost all of us have lost friends and parents to cancer. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy can prolong a patient’s life, but now there’s hope for a real CURE to this dreaded disease.

Scientists have learned how to create stem cells from human fat and turn them into “suicide genes” that seek out and destroy tumors like tiny homing missiles. Researcher Cestmir Altaner says, “Nearly everyone has some fat tissue they can spare, and this tissue could be a source of cells for cancer treatment that can be adapted into specific vehicles for drug transport.”
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Magician Brandon Scott will be on Coast to Coast AM on Monday, July 9. This is the magician Anne Strieber went to see when she had her time warp experience with Starfire Tor. Don’t miss it!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Many people consider the number 7 to be lucky, so this Saturday, July 7 (which is 7/7/07) must be particularly lucky. July 7 was a very UNlucky day for the British in 2005, since that was the date of the terrorist bus bombings there. Recent events suggest that Al Qaeda elements in that country are aiming for 7/7 again. Meanwhile, brides across the US are setting July 7 as their wedding day, believing that this year?s 777 combination will be especially lucky. Where did the idea that 7 is a lucky number come from, anyway?
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