Six years ago, Dreamland co-host Jim Marrs said, "It’s all about oil." Now the Australian defense minister says the same thing about Iraq.

In the Independent, Kathy Marks reports that the Australian Defense Minister Brendan Nelson "admitted that oil was a major factor in the government’s decision to keep troops in Iraq" in an interview on the Australian Broadcasting Corp. When Australia joined the Coalition that took part in the invasion of Iraq, Nelson said that their goal was to fight terrorism and destroy weapons of mass destruction. If this happened in the U.S., it would the same as Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announcing that we had gone into Iraq for the wrong reasons.
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The last one worked, so they?re going to try again: Lynne McTaggart, author of The Intention Experiment, says, “This Saturday, July 7 at 10 am Pacific time, we will be holding our first Germination Intention Experiment. With this experiment, you and thousands of others around the world will send an intention to try to make barley seeds sprout earlier and grow more healthily.” You can join in! And subscribers can still listen to Lynne’s interview on the March 17 Dreamland.
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We’ve reported on how pollution from China is affecting the rest of the world, but China’s poisoned air is killing its OWN citizens first!
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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes, “I recently went to tea with two people?one of the young girls who just lost her mother and the girl’s aunt. The aunt went on and on about how cancer is a choice, which I thought was a particularly inappropriate thing to do in front of someone whose mother had just died from that disease. I’ve heard this sort of thing from so-called ‘New Age’ types before and whenever I do, I wonder if these people have ever KNOWN anyone who has died from?or survived?cancer.” This week on Dreamland, you’ll learn about the spiritual side to the UFO phenomenon, and subscribers get to go even deeper and listen to a conversation between Joe Lewels and William more