An international environmental organization is opposed to a plan to dump iron dust into the ocean near the Galapagos Islands, where it will encourage the growth of plankton, which absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. The tiny sea creatures known as plankton are the main food consumed by whales and are considered to be the bottom rung in the marine food chain.
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China is not only decimating animal species for use in traditional medicine and selling us dangerous toothpaste, it is becoming a WORLDWIDE polluter. China is now building two new power plants every week.

British climate change official John Ashton says that China may now be the world’s biggest source of pollution–and this has happened much sooner than was expected. In BBC News, Roger Harrabin quotes Ashton as saying, "We need to convince China that they don’t have to make a choice between prosperity and protecting the climate. We need to help them towards a low-carbon future."
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Besides rubber tires, discarded plastic items are one of our worst sources of pollution because, so far, they have proved impossible to recycle. We also have an oil shortage. Now a company is solving both problems at once by turning plastics back into the fossil fuels they were created from.

Global Resource Corporation has invented a machine they call the Hawk-10, which can be adjusted to produce a wide range of microwave frequencies in order to achieve this transformation. In New Scientist, Catherine Brahic quotes GRC?s Jerry Meddick as saying, “Anything that has a hydrocarbon base will be affected by our process. We release those hydrocarbon molecules from the material and it then becomes gas and oil.”

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Four years ago, we reported that taking too many vitamins may be bad for you. Now scientists are saying that taking certain vitamins may shorten your lifespan and make you more likely to get cancer.

BBC News reports that a study in Denmark reveals that antioxidant vitamins such as A E and C may actually increase the risk of early death. Beta-carotene produced an approximate 7% increased risk of death, vitamin E a 4% increase and vitamin A, a 16% increase. The researchers say, “Considering that 10% to 20% of the adult population in Europe and North America may consume the supplements, the public health consequences may be substantial.”

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