One of the provocative reports by Linda Howe on this week’s Dreamland is about an entire lake that has suddenly disappeared.

BBC News reports that a 5 acre glacial lake in Chile has vanished completely over the past 3 weeks. Park rangers say the lake was normal size in March, but this month they found only a dry crater where the lake used to be. Could it be evaporation due to global warming? Some researchers think that an earthquake may have opened a crack in the ground that drained out all the water.

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While controversy over the Iraq war continues to rage, many of us are concerned about what’s happening to our soldiers over there. It turns out that having served in the military makes a person twice as likely to commit suicide.

When researchers followed up 320,000 men aged over 18 years for 12 years and found that those who had served in the armed forces at some time between 1917 and 1994 were twice as likely to die from suicide compared with men in the general population. In light of this new knowledge, psychologists are stressing that doctors need to look out for signs of suicidal intentions in soldiers returning from service in Afghanistan and Iraq.
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Six months ago on Dreamland, we interviewed William F. Mann, who talked his family tradition of secret knowledge of the 14th century Templar crossing from Scotland to Canada that happened hundreds of years before Columbus arrived. Now North America’s oldest church, probably built by the Templars, may have been discovered beneath a small town in Newfoundland.
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UPDATE – All over the earth, animal species are going extinct at an unprecedented rate. Orangutans were once known as the “old men of the jungle,” because they behave so much like humans. Now they may disappear as well. But the very LATEST victim is the Chinese tiger which, like so many others, is being exploited for use in traditional Chinese medicine.

In the Independent, Claire Soares writes that orangutans “may be wiped off the face of the earth within 10 years,” due to illegal rainforest logging in their habitats. She quotes UN official Christian Nellemann as saying, “The rate of decline of the forests is the most alarming we have seen yet anywhere in the world. Suitable forest habitat may be gone in as little as a decade.”
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