In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes about San Antonio’s West Side and about parents and grandparents weeping at a college dance recital. What does this have to do with immigration? Read it and see! And don’t miss Whitley’s new journal on those mysterious UFO drones.

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Twenty million: That’s how many tires are discarded every year in New York State alone. The UN thinks that between 20 and 50 million tons of computers are thrown away as obsolete every year. Rubber tires cannot be recycled into new tires and computer parts are toxic. What can be done about this?

Discarded computers create serious risks to human health and the environment, because of the toxic chemicals they contain. Huge shipments of defunct computers are sent regularly from the US to China and India, where they are broken up for scrap. This work is often done by children working in huge dumps. This is a problem that desperately needs to be solved.
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Whitley Strieber will be on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell on Saturday, June 9, starting at 10 pm Pacific time. They will be talking about the latest global warming emergency: the melting of Greenland–and much MORE. Whitley will extend his free “Grays” tee shirt offer, especially for Coast listeners who take out a new, one-year subscription to this website, so be sure to listen!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

As climate change causes floods in some areas and droughts and crop failures in others, battles over land are bound to begin?because there will be a lot less land available. A group of retired US admirals and generals has said that global warming will act as a “threat multiplier,” that will topple unstable governments and unleash conflict. The crisis in Darfar, Sudan, is considered to be the first “climate change war,” because it was preceded by years of drought.
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