We recently posted a story asking if wi fi is dangerous. Now scientists are reassuring us that there is no link between wi-fi use and damage to your health.

The BBC reports that the scare first occurred when their TV show Panorama found that “radiation levels from wi-fi in one school was up to three times the level of mobile phone mast radiation.” However, these readings were still 600 times below the government’s safety limits.
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Hurricane season officially begins in June, and this year, it started a bit early. These powerful swirling storms are triggered by the surface warming of the ocean. But now researchers think they may be nature?s way of SLOWING DOWN global warming by cooling off the ocean.

Atmospheric scientists have found evidence that tropical cyclones and hurricanes play an important role in the ocean circulation patterns that transport heat and maintain the climate of North America and Europe. This is known as the Gulf Stream, which acts as an ocean conveyer belt. The upper part of the conveyer belt travels from the south to the north, passing through the Pacific Ocean and Indian oceans and past warmer latitudes warming the water brought to North America and Europe.
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On our March 17 Dreamland show, we interviewed Lynne McTaggart, who?along with Dr. Gary Schwartz?designed the Intention Experiment, which so many of our readers and listeners participated in. Now we have a report on the incredible results of that experiment.

Their first project was to make a geranium leaf glow. “We wanted to start from the ground floor,” says McTaggart. “First we had to establish that we could have an effect?any effect. This type of study would enable us to record every single hair’s breath of difference?even by a single photon.”
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In Anne?s new diary, she writes: “A recent altercation at our local Farmer’s Market got me to thinking about how segregated the world has become. While everybody on National Public Radio celebrates the ‘Rainbow Coalition,’ and George Bush tries to get the Iraqi Sunnis and Shiites to kiss and make up, I notice that I am friends with fewer black people than I used to be. I once had lots of real black friends, but now I just seem to wave to a few black people in the distance. How did the post-Civil Rights world ever get to be so segregated?”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more