First, a bizarre “drone” was seen by at least one witness and possibly photographed on a number of occasions, and now another strange craft has been spotted, leading to the question: are new forms of UFO appearing in our skies?

At 12:30AM on May 28, a number of people in Chilliwack, British Columbia, which is about 70 miles east of Vancouver, observed a strange white object with dark, straight nose-to-tail markings on it circling overhead. The object glowed, but made no sound. It was not recognizable as an airplane by the witnesses.
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The Loch Ness Monster is probably the most famouscryptozoological mystery in the world, and now new videosuggests that the monster may be real. Cryptozoologsts aresaying that this is among the finest videos ever made of thecreature, and observation of it makes it hard to believethat it is anything other than a real animal, very long andthin, swimming easily just beneath the surface of the loch.
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Hurricane season has started early: the first named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season has come and gone even before the official start of the season on June 1, and now a storm has developed enough to be named off the coast of Mexico, and another depression farther out in the Pacific also shows signs of developing into an organized storm. Tropical Storm Barbara has formed off Mexico’s Pacific coast. It is expected to move out to sea while gaining strength, then be pushed back toward land over the next two days, and strike in the area of the Mexican resort city of more

Buried in last year’s Defense Authorization Bill were changes to the Insurrection Act that make it possible for a President to easily declare martial law, and now Senator Patrick Leahy (D. Vt.), along with Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.), who are the co-chairs of the 80-member Senate National Guard Caucus, have introduced legislation to return the act to its original wording. Leahy says, “Last year, Congress quietly made it easier for this President or any President to declare martial law.”
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