We know that smoking leads to cancer, but bad behavior in general?eating too much and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol?can bring on that dreaded disease as well.

In the Independent, Sadie Gray writes that obesity is getting so common in the UK that it has become a “cancer time bomb.” She writes that, ?Research has shown up to 40% of cancers, particularly hormone-sensitive types such as breast?can be prevented by adopting a healthy diet and taking regular exercise?” She quotes Dr. Greg Martin as saying, “There has been plenty of attention recently on the problems of obesity, but a lot of people still do not realize how closely obesity is linked to cancer. People getting fatter will lead to an increase in the number of cancer cases as surely as night follows day.”read more

Sharks and whales aren’t the only sea creatures being fished into extinction?the fish that much of the world relies on for food are going extinct as well. Part of the cause may be global warming, but most of it can be blamed on overfishing.

In BBC News, Richard Black writes, “There will be virtually nothing left to fish from the seas by the middle of the century if current trends continue, according to a major scientific study.” He quotes researcher Steve Palumbi as saying, “Unless we fundamentally change the way we manage all the ocean species together, as working ecosystems, then this century is the last century of wild seafood.”

Art credit: gimp-savvy.com
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Super-clear photos of a bizarre UFO have caused aninternational sensation, and now CGI experts are showingjust how perfect fakes can be, but so far there is noevidence at all that the ‘Chad’ photos posted on Flikr, andthe ‘Alabama’ photo posted on Earthfiles.com are fakes.Headers on the Chadphotos indicate that theywere taken with a Konica Minolta DiMAGE X at an ISO Speed of100 and a resolution of 72dpi on May 6 at 5:43 PM. Inaddition, Linda Moulton Howe leads offDreamland today with a convincing interview with a witnesswho saw the ‘drone’ two years ago. So the evidencestill favors the original photos being real. BUT the drone is now beingreproduced perfectly using CGI technology.read more

Feel stupid since moving to that new apartment? A recent study shows that ceiling height affects your problem-solving skills. Don’t bump your head! Another study shows that some people really ARE more accident-prone than others.

In LiveScience.com, Ken Mauk quotes researcher Joan Meyers-Levy as saying, “When people are in a room with a high ceiling, they activate the idea of freedom. In a low-ceilinged room, they activate more constrained, confined concepts.”
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