In the UK, 11 species of butterflies are making their earliest recorded appearances this spring, which means they will die off earlier in the season as well, since butterflies typically live for a very short time. Some species of butterflies are in the UK are being seen in new areas. Reports on butterfly populations in the US are not available, probably because of the “lid” put on reporting about global warming by the current administration.
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At first, the super-clear pictures and the suggestion thatone of the ‘wings’ on this odd craft had Klingon letters onit made seasoned UFO observers assume that it was a prank.But now additional photographs being received fromindependent sources by Dreamland science reporter LindaMoulton Howe suggest that it may not be a hoax. Or do they?Read on…

The original photographs were submitted by an individual whowishes only to be known as “Chad,” and now additionalphotographs have been taken by (allegedly) another anonymous individual in Lake Tahoe, CA. Both witnesses describe a low hum associated with the otherwise silent craft, and Chad also describes a crackling sound.
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According to a new brain study, people who were close to the World Trade Center when the twin towers toppled on Sept. 11, 2001 now have brains that are more reactive to emotional stimuli than those who were more than 200 miles away.

Researcher Elise Temple says, “These people appear to be doing okay, but they may, indeed, be having more sensitive responses to upsetting stimuli.” These people may experience lingering symptoms (bad dreams, jumpiness, thinking about the incident and avoiding the site of the trauma), but they are not severe. However, the kinds of changes that these traumas cause in the brain, the researchers suspect, create vulnerability to developing future mental disorders.
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Some people can’t help telling lies, and lately, a lot of those people seem to be politicians. That’s why the government wants to know if lie detectors (polygraphs) really work.

In, Christopher Wanjek writes that “good liars have little to lose and everything to gain from taking a ‘lie detector’ test. It’s the truthful people who need to worry about polygraphs [because] a polygraph not a lie detector; it never was.”
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