In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “When we were visiting our good friend in Texas, saying goodbye, Whitley overheard some of her caretakers saying, ‘We can’t let Whitley speak at the funeral.’ He assumed they were afraid he would mention one of the last ‘taboo topics’ in our society?UFOs?so we decided not to go. This got me to thinking about the fact that being ‘anti-UFO,’ and making fun of people who are interested in them or who (God forbid!) confess their experiences with them, is one of the last acceptable prejudices in this country.”

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UFO sightings in the UK continue, with new sightings in Northern Ireland.

The BBC reports a UFO sighting in Northern Irleand which looks like “a series of strange orange lights in the night sky.” Both Air traffic control at Belfast International Airport and the local Coast Guard received reports about the sightings. BBC News quotes witness Clifford Rossbottom as saying, “There were three orange globes–nearly in a straight line–they were an absolutely fascinating sight. I watched them for five minutes, and then very slowly, they just disappeared. The only thing I thought it could have been was three high-flying aircraft. If that is not the case, then I have no idea, and the only other thing I can think of is in fact that they were UFOs.”
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The newest toys can read kids’ minds, which is something to think about the next time you buy a gift for a child. This could be a powerful tool to teach kids the ability to focus their minds and it might help correct a major problem: studies show that children as young as 3 months old are watching too much TV.
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If they hadn’t become extinct due to an asteroid impact, dinosaurs would have met their demise anyway, due to climate change. Did global warming also wipe out the Neanderthals?

In, Dave Mosher reports that researchers studying one of the last Neanderthal strongholds in Spain and Portugal think that climate change may have been part of the reason the Neanderthals disappeared. He quotes Jim

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