In the Tuesday, April 24 New York Times, Sandra Blakeslee writes that while we all know that dogs wag their tails to express their feelings, not everyone knows that dogs have a “tail code,” meaning you can learn how they REALLY feel by noticing in which direction their tails wag.

Blakeslee writes: “When dogs feel fundamentally positive about something or someone, their tails wag more to the right side of their rumps. When they have negative feelings, their tail wagging is biased to the left.” It turns out the dogs have body language too!

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We recently wrote that people in the caring professions are the happiest, despite the fact that they don’t make large salaries, and that when it comes to money, what people want most is fairness. New research shows that you don’t have to be smart to make a lot of money.

A nationwide study found that people of below average intelligence were, overall, just about as wealthy as those in similar circumstances but with higher scores on an IQ test. Furthermore, a number of extremely intelligent people stated they had gotten themselves into financial difficulty. Researcher Jay Zagorsky says, “People don’t become rich just because they are smart. Your IQ has really no relationship to your wealth. And being very smart does not protect you from getting into financial difficulty.”read more

We’ve reported that rats learn while they dream. People do too. But in at least one case, a sleeping pill woke someone up?in a BIG way.

Memorizing a series of facts is one thing, understanding the big picture is quite another. A new study demonstrates that the ability to make logical “big picture” inferences from disparate pieces of information is dependent on taking a break from studies and learning, and getting a good night’s sleep. However, the prescription sleeping pill Ambien had the opposite effect on one French woman, waking her up from a two-year coma.
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