We’ve already learned that eyes can keep you honest?even when they don’t belong to a real person! Holding eye contact, or “gaze,” with hysterical citizens is one of the most effective methods police officers can use to calm them down.
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One way to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, so that it won’t cause global warming, might be to “seed” the oceans with iron that will stimulate blooms of phytoplankton, the microscopic marine plant that converts CO2 into organic matter.

In the Independent, Steve Connor writes about a ship that is going to sail around the Pacific ocean, doing just that. Connor quotes the UN’s Noel Brown as saying, “I cannot overstate the importance of these Planktos pilot projects. If their applied science works as well as the early research indicates, this work will both help restore the neglected oceans and give everyone concerned about global warming truly meaningful hope.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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New research has revealed a strong connection between use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and an increased incidence of breast cancer. And it turns out that men have hot flashes too! But there ARE alternatives to HRT.

Breast cancer rates began to go down in 2002-2003, which coincided with the plummeting use of HRT in mid-2002, after results of the Women’s Health Initiative study were announced, revealing that HRT was dangerous in many different ways. The incidence of breast cancer in 2004 leveled maintained the same low level, which is the lowest rate since about 1987. Researcher Donald Berry says, “This kind of study can’t prove causality, but the data present a very compelling link between hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer.”
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We’ve told you how cars of the future may be able to fix their own dents. Now it turns out that houses of the future may be able to repair their own earthquake damage. This could be important, since scientists have discovered a set of massive faults in the US Midwest that caused a series of devastating earthquakes 200 years ago?and could do it again, since they are set to shake on a 500-year cycle.

In LiveScience.com, Robin Lloyd reports that 4 huge ?seismic events? of 8.0 magnitude occurred from December 1811 to February 1812, with an epicenter in the town of New Madrid in Missouri, near the Kentucky and Tennessee state lines. The quakes caused the nearby Mississippi River to flow backwards temporarily.
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