We live in a time when, due to our tax breaks for the rich and the diminishing power of unions, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. But psychologists think that what even those of us who are getting rich want MOST is more equality.

According to a new study of behavioral economics, people will spend their own money to make the rich less rich and the poor less poor. They do so without any hope of personal gain, acting, it seems, out of a taste for equality and sense of fair play.
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Western aid to Africa helps these countries build roads, which are greatly needed to distribute food and medicine. But these new roads also make it easier for ivory poachers to reach the interior and kill large numbers of elephants.

In LiveScience.com, Jeanna Bryner quotes biologist Stephen Blake as saying, “Unmanaged roads are highways of death for forest elephants?It is not the physical effect of the road that is the issue?forest elephants actually like roadside vegetation?rather it is the fact that unmanaged roads bring people, with their guns and ammunition.”
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Is it the beginning of the end? According to a Swedish physicist, global oil production will peak sometime between 2008 and 2018 and then start to decline. Physicists have been right about this in the past.

In LiveScience.com, Melinda Wenner reports that, “Since 1956, when American geophysicist M. King Hubbert correctly predicted that US oil reserves would hit a peak within 20 years, experts have debated when the same might occur globally.”
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In Anne’s new diary, she writes about cloud shadows. If you don?t know what these are, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more