Learn to Think Like a Rat
Researchers have learned that rats are capable of complex, human-like thinking and planning and that when they dream, they “replay” the day’s events in their minds, like a movie?something humans do too.
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Researchers have learned that rats are capable of complex, human-like thinking and planning and that when they dream, they “replay” the day’s events in their minds, like a movie?something humans do too.
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Can global warming make you sick? In some ways, it can.
It can encourage the proliferation of insects, like mosquitoes, which carry disease such as West Nile and malaria. It can also affect children, who are more sensitive to weather changes than adults, in the form of more frequent fevers. Because hot weather can cause food to spoil faster, an Australian researcher discovered that more people went to the hospital because of gastric problems when the temperatures were high.
LiveScience.com quotes pediatrician Lawrence Lam as saying, “As global warming is becoming more apparent, there is an urgent need for more in-depth and thorough investigation of climatic factors on human health, especially in early childhood.”
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Hopefully your next car will fix itself and run on garbage, but even if you can’t achieve those worthy goals, you can still enjoy that wonderful “new car smell.” But is it toxic?
That distinctive scent is made up of the newly-minted metal, leather, upholstery and plastic that brand-new cars are made of. Some people have postulated that there?s even a “new car smell” spray that dealers use inside cars to entice us. In LiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi says that we’re smelling what are called “volatile organic compounds.”
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We don’t yet have a cure for AIDS, although we now have medicines that can keep people alive for much longer. But we do have a prevention, and it turns out to be something that has been around for thousands of years: circumcision.
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