In May, you can learn how to travel out of your body from two former Dreamland guests and, if you live on the West Coast, you can learn the TRUTH about 911. Keep reading for details!

Anne Strieber recently interviewed Maureen Cauhill, the author of Suddenly Psychic, on Dreamland. Robert Bruce has been a guest on Dreamland several times. Now these two popular personalities will be giving a workshop together at the Monroe Institute in Virginia. Keep reading for details!
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This Saturday, April 14, subscribers got the chance to chat with Dr. Lynne Kitei about her adventures with the Phoenix Lights, one of the world’s most famous group UFO sightings. For those of you who missed it, the transcript of the chat will be posted early in the week. Coming up soon: a chat with a MEDIUM. Join in the fun: subscribe today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

A powerful storm system that swept in across the west coastof the United States on Thursday left 5 deaths in its wakeas it crossed the Midwest. It is now strengthening andthreatens the Northeast with some very heavy weather.Another, similar system is building off the Pacific coastand could pack an equal punch next week.

So far, April of 2007 has been the coldest in 113 years,meaning that conditions are right for extreme weather eventsin the United States, as unusually cold arctic air collideswith unusually warm air from the Gulf of Mexico and theAtlantic, which is being drawn up along advancing frontalboundaries.
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It’s bad enough that we have a missing bee mystery, as well as a major coral die off (which affects the fish population). Now it turns out we also have a mysterious wheat blight.

In New Scientist, Debora Mackenzie quotes Nobel laureate Norman Borlaug, who is known as the father of the Green Revolution, as saying, “This thing has immense potential for social and human destruction” because wheat feeds more people on earth than any other plant.
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