One of the most confusing things about being pregnant is figuring out what to eat. And did you know there?s something you should eat if you WANT to get pregnant?

In New Scientist, Phil McKenna reports that women who want to get pregnant but are having trouble doing so may need to switch to a high fat diet, because fertility experts have found that a low fat dairy diet of skimmed milk and other low fat dairy foods) can prevent ovulation.

In another New Scientist article, Roxanne Khamsi reports that once you ARE pregnant, you should lay off the beef. Scientists are trying to solve the mystery of why so many men born in the last 30 years have low sperm count, and they think it may be because their pregnant mothers ate a lot of hormone-treated beef.
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More than half a century before the modern mathematical theory called quasicrystal geometry was discovered in the West, Muslim artists were using it to create intricate, non-repeating tile patterns in buildings. These patterns are now known as Penrose tiling, after the quantum physicist Roger Penrose, who only discovered this theory 30 years ago.
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The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) reports over 700 UFO sightings in their country last year. This is a lot for a country like Canada, with a relatively small populationand a huge land area, but it’s actually down from a record 882 sightings three years ago. The CBC quotes a Canadian UFO investigator who thinks this shows that an “underlying, real phenomenon” may be occurring.

James Stevenson quotes UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski as saying, “?We don’t have as many aliens on TV as we used to?they used to be on commercials selling us everything from Pepsi to decongestants?and yet the phenomenon persists, which to me says there is a basic underlying, real phenomenon that extends beyond media and pop culture.”
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Scientists have complained about the Bush administration’s pseudo-science for a long time now?this administration has even muzzled NASA! Now a nonprofit group dedicated to government responsibility asserts that climate and ocean scientists are being gagged.
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