We’re already starting to hear about possible candidates for the 2008 presidential election, even though voting is more than a year away. In the last elections, people worried that their votes weren’t counted. Will this cause people not to bother to vote?maybe not even to register?

Campaigns historically have focused on turning out registered voters, but with the closeness of recent national elections the major parties are focusing more on voter registration. A new study of voter participation in presidential elections reveals that “later is better” when it comes to voter registration. People who register to vote closer to registration deadlines are much more likely to vote on Election Day than are people who register earlier in an election year.
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There’s no reason older guys can’t still enjoy sex, but in order to perform, they need to be sure to get plenty of sleep! This may sound like a contradiction, but it’s true: lack of sleep causes testosterone levels to drop in ALL men.

In LiveScience.com, Robin Lloyd reports on sleep research that measured the testosterone levels in 12 healthy men, aged 64 to 74, after a night in a sleep lab, and found that those who were kept awake (or awakened intermittently) had lower testosterone levels. It’s known that testosterone peaks in the morning, usually around 4 a.m., and sleep deprivation can even affect the sex drives of much younger men. Men’s testosterone levels drop by 1 to 2% a year starting in their 20s or 30s.
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After baseball’s offensive explosion of the late 1990s, Major League Baseball’s batters cooled off beginning in the 2001 season, and two university historians think they know why: a larger de facto strike zone beginning in 2001 and drug-testing (starting in 2003) in the major leagues.
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Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that the EPA can regulate auto emissions, researchers are taking a new look at those greenhouse gases spewed out from car tail pipes that may be changing our climate. Because we have too much corn in this country, ethanol (which is made from corn) is being promoted as the biofuel of the future, but it is NOT the biofuel that gives off the fewest dangerous emissions.
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