Sometimes sharks like to eat US when we’re swimming, but without them, WE’RE not going to be able to eat much shellfish. Fewer big sharks in the oceans led to the destruction of North Carolina?s bay scallop fishery and inhibits the recovery of depressed scallop, oyster and clam populations along the Atlantic Coast.

A team of Canadian and American ecologists has found that overfishing in the Atlantic of the largest predatory sharks has led to an explosion of their ray, skate and small shark prey species. Julia Baum says, “With fewer sharks around, the species they prey upon–like cownose ray–have increased in numbers, and in turn, hordes of cownose rays dining on bay scallops have wiped the scallops out.”
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Our government is finally going to be forced to pay attention to the problem of global warming, but what we all want to know is, how does global warming affect us? The biggest?and earliest?effect will be FLOODING of coast cities and countries, as glaciers and ice sheets melt.

In New Scientist, Catherine Brahic reports that one person in ten, worldwide, and one in eight city dwellers, live close enough to the coast to be at risk for flooding, which are brought on by surface ocean temperatures warming. Some entire low-lying countries, such as Bangladesh and many parts of Vietnam, are at danger for this.
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This hasn’t yet been reported in the US media, but Patrick Cockburn reports in the British newspaper the Independent that the 15 British sailors who are being held by the Iranian military were kidnapped on March 23 because of a “failed American attempt to abduct two senior Iranian security officers in a surprise raid during an official visit to northern Iraq.” UPDATE: Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced today that he will free the British sailors.

On January 11, US forces launched a surprise helicopter attack on an Iranian embassy in Kurdistan (which is part of Iraq). We captured 5 junior Iranian officers, which we claim are intelligence agents. These officers are still being held by the US, probably in Guantanamo.
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While global warming has definitely been traced to greenhouse gas emissions?and a major source of these emissions is automobiles?new technology for producing cars that reduce this problem has not been forthcoming, mainly because the government has not been willing to demand that big business produce less polluting cars. But the Supreme Court has just voted 5 to 4, striking down the administration’s excuse that the EPA does not have the ability to regulate auto emissions under the Clean Air Act.

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Whitley was one of the first writers to warn about global warming, now learn where he got his information.

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