Researchers now think that evolution has more do to with “flower power” than with an asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs, giving us mammals a chance to take over.

In the Independent, Steve Connor reports that a student of the 4,500 species of mammal that are alive today has found that the period when mammals began to thrive and displace dinosaurs happened at the same time as the arrival of flowering plants, between 56 and 34 million years ago, which was 10 to 15 million years AFTER the dinosaurs were gone. Did we mammals love to smell the flowers?or eat the fruit they brought?
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The highest bacteria counts can sometimes be found where you least expect them. Kitchen counters are breeding places for germs?but what about restaurants?

Most restaurants use automatic dishwashers, but small restaurants and bars often wash dishes and glassware by hand. New research answers a basic question about eating and drinking at these places: How clean are manually washed dishes?
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More than three-quarters of the dangerous particulate pollution known as black carbon that blows through the West Coast in the spring comes from Asian sources. China’s new industrialization movement burns a lot of coal, which means that we won’t be able to clean up OUR pollution until we get China to clean up its act.

Alhough the transported black carbon, most of which is soot, is an extremely small component of air pollution at land surface levels, the phenomenon has a significant heating effect on the atmosphere however, it also dims the surface of the ocean by absorbing solar radiation. Researcher Odelle Hadley says, “That’s the primary concern we have with these aerosols. They can really affect global climate.”
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In Anne’s new diary, she has an Easter wish for everyone, and it’s not the one you expect!

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