Flaming debris that was moving so fast that it broke the sound barrier almost hit a jet plane that was landing in New Zealand. NASA says it couldn?t have come from a satellite, so experts think that the passenger jet was just missed by a meteorite. A few years ago in Chicago, a meteorite crashed through a roof of a house and almost hit a sleeping man.

In both cases, it was a close call: according to the BBC News, “The New Zealand Herald newspaper calculated the debris missed the jet by a margin of 40 seconds.”

Meteorites and UFOs are often confused, and UFO sightings are also often blamed on a phenomenon known as “ball lightning.”
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A mysterious hexagon-shaped image can be seen in space, floating above the storms that swirl around the north pole on Saturn. Astronomers want to know what it is.

In New Scientist, Maggie Mckee reports that astronomers have long known about the “hurricane-like vortex” that “swirls on Saturn’s south pole.” Mckee reports that, “A deep, hexagon-shaped feature lies above Saturn’s north pole.” This has been seen by Voyager 1 and 2, and new images have recently come from the Cassini spacecraft. According to McKee, “The strange structure appears to be nearly stationary.” Hear Linda Howe’s report on this amazing story on this week’s Dreamland!

Art credit: NASA
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In Whitley Strieber’s provocative new journal, he writes, “It is possible that the visitors are about to show up. I am not saying that this will happen, but only that this is a time when it could happen, and there are some indications that it may be about to happen.” Keep reading to find out more!

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A mysterious device that is described as looking like “a satellite or UFO” has landed in Somalia. In Shabelle.net, Mohamed Amiin reports that the large device fell to earth almost a week ago with a loud noise. He quotes Ilyas Ali, a villager who lives near the area where it landed, as saying that “it glitters and in [the] nighttime, it turns [on] lights and speaks a strange language which can’t be understood.” This just one of many recent UFO events that may mean that worldwide contact could be about to occur.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

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