More news about US militaryactivity nearthe Iran border: The Russian News & Information Agency(NOVOSTI) reports that Russian military intelligence is seeing a US troop build up along Iran’s border with Iraq. This couldindicate a pending invasion of Iran OR it could mean that the US and its allies are attempting to spark a coup against the Ahmadinejad regime, which is rapidly losing popularity in the country.

NOVOSTI reports that, “The latest military intelligence data point to heightened US military preparations for both an air and ground operation against Iran” and also that “the US Naval presence in the Persian Gulf has, for the first time in the past four years, reached the level that existed shortly before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003.”
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The Bury Free Press in the UK reports that in Bury St. Edmunds, jets from the Royal Air Force were scrambled to intercept a UFO. A UFO group there has posted a recording which they say provides proof that “that London Military Air Traffic Control contacted a flight of US Air Force F-15s from the base, after a UFO was picked up on their radar on January 12.”

While the RAF will not comment on the recording, UFO Data Magazine writer Steve Johnson says the audio was picked up by ham radio listeners in the area, who intercepted a call made by London Military Air Traffic Control to a crew of US F-15s that were stationed at the local RAF Lakenheath air base.
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We’ve written about the problem of trash on Mars, but the REAL problem is with trash in the ocean?especially non-biodegradable PLASTIC trash. Now researchers have come up with plastic that?s safe to dump in the sea.

Researchers have come up with a biodegradable plastic that dissolves into nontoxic components in salt water in about 20 days, which is good news not only because the trash we throw out on land often inadvertently ends up in the ocean, but it is also great for cruise ships, which can now toss items like plastic cutlery overboard without guilt (something they probably already do, despite the fact that international maritime law forbids the disposal of plastics at sea).
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UPDATE – The BBC reports that the US Navy has begun “war games” in the Iran region by sending two aircraft carriers, containing 100 war planes and over 10,000 soldiers, into the Gulf. Fly over air maneuvers have also begun. This is the largest “exercise” in the Gulf since our 2003 invasion of Iraq. A French group of ships are also in the Arabian Sea, one of which has already been launching flying missions into Afghanistan. We predicted the start of the Iraq war 4 years ago, almost to the day. Is Shock & Awe about to happen all over again?this time in Iran? And will our military go along with these plans?
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