The Mozart Effect is real. This is the realization that listening to classical music?especially Mozart?can increase your brainpower, especially if you do it just before taking a test. Now scientists have uncovered that PLAYING music can make your brain work better.

Playing music sharpens your hearing as well, but this is less of a surprise. In, Charles Q. Choi quotes neuroscientist Nina Kraus as saying, “Music classes are often among the first to be cut when school budgets get tight. That’s a mistake.”

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We’ve investigated wind power and even garbage power. The next step may be to harness the power from deep within the center of the earth.

This is called “geothermal energy,” and comes from wells that are a mile (or more) deep. These holes are drilled until they reach a level of hot rock, then water is pumped into the well, which turns to steam. This steam can then be harnessed to run machines and power plants.
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Colors affect people in strange ways and red is one of those colors. It has been discovered that students who even glanced at that color before taking an SAT test got lower scores.

In, Sara Goudarzi quotes psychologist Andrew J. Elliot as saying, “Care must be taken in how red is used in achievement contexts and illustrate how color can act as a subtle environmental cue that has important influences on behavior.”
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Maybe just one good thought is all it takes to change the world. On Saturday, March 24 at 10 am Pacific time, tens of thousands of volunteers from around the world will participate in a series of web-based experiments, which will form the largest mind-over-matter study in history. Lynne McTaggart, author of The Intention Experiment, was on our March 17 Dreamland show, talking about this incredible experiment in mind control, which she has designed with Dr. Gary Schwartz, who has also been a guest on Dreamland. The first experiment will be to try to make a geranium leaf glow. Ifthis works, the next step will be to try to effect global warming in a postive way by using group minds to lower the earth’s temperature. To register for the Intention Project, click here.
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