Whitley’s Insight about The Coming Economic Collapse has received so many hits, that Whitley has updated it with information about investment strategies for the near future. “The elephant in the room” is a phrase for something that everybody KNOWS is there, but no one wants to acknowledge. In his new journal, Whitley writes: “In order to take the next step, all we need to do is recognize the elephant in the living room: it is not thefact that UFOs are real. That’s just the mouse. It’s the fact that millions of human beings have been in them and come face to face with their mysterious occupants, forbetter or for worse. That’s the elephant.” In fact, the elephant is now STAMPEDING in the living room.
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Linda Howe will soon file a report on the current mystery of missing bees. This has been going on for about a year, when commercial beekeepers first began noticing that huge numbers of their bees were missing.

In New Scientist, Michael Reilly quotes bee expert May Berenbaum as saying, “Imagine waking one morning to find 80% of the people in your community are just gone.”

Reilly reports that, “bustling colonies, tens of thousands strong, were emptying in a matter of days. Systematic searches for dead bees around the colonies mostly drew a blank.” As we noted in an earlier story, piles of dead bees have turned up in swimming pools in some locations, but they mostly seem to have vanished into thin air.
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We recently published an article telling why drinking any kind of cola is bad for your bones. New research shows that soft drinks are one of the primary causes of the obesity epidemic in the US?AND they rot your teeth!

Carbonated soft drinks are the single largest source of calories in the American diet, according to a 2005 report called “Liquid Candy,” produced by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). Companies annually manufacture enough soda pop to provide more than 52 gallons to every man, woman and child in the United States.Obesity expert Kelly Brownell says, “Nobody claims there is a single cause to the obesity problem, but the existing science certainly puts soft drinks in the list of leading contributors.”
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While the US still keeps our UFO files undercover, Canada and the UK have begun declassifying theirs. France is the leader in this: it has declassified its files on UFOs and even has a website that documents over 1,500 sightings in the last 50 years. 25% of these cannot be explained.
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