New biofuels technology can turn virtually any fat source, including vegetable oils and animal fat, into fuel to power jet airplanes. Soon we may not just be recycling or glass, paper and cans, we’ll be recycling our cooking oil as well!

Researcher William Roberts says, “We can take virtually any lipid-based feedstock, or raw material with a fat source?including cooking grease?and turn it into virtually any fuel. And we’re not competing directly with the food supply, like ethanol-based fuels that are made from corn.” The current emphasis on ethanol has raised food prices in countries like Mexico, which are dependent on corn. There is no soot or particulate matter associated with fuel from fats, so it helps reduce pollution.
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We’ve recently reported on subliminal ads on TV, but the constant barrage of advertisements for new medicines are anything but subtle! Do the prescription drug ads we see on TV make us think we’re sick when we’re not? These ads are part of the new “empowered patient” movement, which means that doctors have lost some of their professional clout when it comes to making diagnoses and prescribing treatment?is this good or bad?
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Whitley and Anne Strieber are both upset about new government pronouncements. In Whitley’s new Journal, he comments on the recent US 9th Circuit recent rejection of the appeal of a woman who depends on medical marijuana. In Anne’s new diary, she talks about the irony of Marine General Peter Pace’s recent anti-gay comments. In another new Journal, Whitley writes about 2012 and the end of the age. Don’t miss these!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Ten years after the Arizona UFO incident known as the Phoenix Lights, former Arizona Republican Governor Fife Symington III, has told journalistLeslie Kean that he himselfwas a witness to one of the strange unidentified flying objects, even though he originally did not say so publicly. “It was enormous and inexplicable,” he said in an exclusive interview from his home in Phoenix. “Who knows where it came from? A lot of people saw it, and I saw it too.” Even though he had seenthe gigantic triangular object that passed over the areahours before the Phoenix lights themselves appeared,Symington nevertheless held a press conference ridiculingthe event. He now says that he did this because of buildinghysteria. Click here to read Kean’s exclusive interview with Symington.
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