Subliminal messages ARE registered by our brains?despite the fact that we don’t consciously see them. Alfred Hitchcock wove frames of the subliminal image of a skull-and-crossbones into his films in order to increase the tension for viewers. These went by too quickly to be consciously noticed by the audience, but were discovered later, upon close examination of the film reel. There is a clear potential here for misuse here?by big business or perhaps for even more subtle purposes.
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Employees of the Fish & Wildlife Service have been told not to discuss global warming at upcoming international meetings in Norway and Russia. Since at least one of these meetings concerns how polar bears are being affected by the changing climate, this is going to be hard to do. Employees of NASA have been given the same directive.

NASA scientists complained about this, a compromise was finally reached in which the scientists are allowed to talk about climate change as long as they make it clear that they are speaking for themselves, and not for NASA. Around a year ago, Michael Griffin, the NASA administrator, sent this directive to 12 other agencies as well, with the suggestion that they also follow this policy.
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Solar calendars and sun cults were an important part of indigenous American cultures, from the Hopi in North America to the Incas in Peru. Now a mysterious group of towers in Peru has been discovered to be a solar calendar, like Stonehenge. Another discovery shows that the Vikings, who may have been the first foreigners to travel to North America by sea, were able to navigate long distances, even when the weather was too overcast to see the sun, by using crystals.
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People who have UFO experiences are often told to turn to hypnosis in order to unlock their memories. One problem is that incompetent hypnosis can lead to these memories being lost or distorted. It?s long been assumed that victims of traumatic events repress their memories as a kind of protection against the further trauma of having to remember them. But new research shows that people do NOT push these troubling memories into places in their brains where they cannot be accessed?on the contrary, they recall them with incredible clarity. This is one more reason why the testimony of people who recall UFO encounters should be taken seriously.
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