Halliburton is under Justice Department Securities andExchange Commission investigation over allegations ofimproper dealings in Iraq, Kuwait and Nigeria, and now thecompany is moving its headquarters and its chief executiveofficer, David J. Lesar, to Dubai. Halliburton will remain aUS company subject to US laws, but Dubai has no extraditionagreement with the United States, meaning that Mr. Lesarcould not be compelled to return to the US to testify, standtrial or serve any sentence related to any Halliburtonactivities under investigation.

Last month, Congress was told that $2.7 billion paid toHalliburton and its subsidiaries and subcontractors for workdone in Iraq was either excessive or unsupported.
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We all know that chiropractors can help our aching backs. But did you know that they can also help children suffering from learning disabilities and dyslexia?and adult diabetics?
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When it comes to ethanol, our government is being just as deceptive at it has been in the past about the terrorist threat. In the Independent, Daniel Howden writes, “The twin threats of climate change and energy security are creating an unprecedented thirst for alternative energy with ethanol leading the way? But a growing number of economists, scientists and environmentalists are calling for a ‘time out’ and warning that the headlong rush into massive ethanol production is creating more problems than it is solving.”
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Not everyone gets supersized on a high fat diet, and now reseachers are learning why. A new shows why some people can eat excessive amounts of food and not gain weight or develop type 2 diabetes, while others are more likely to develop obesity and this most common form of diabetes on any diet.

The study used two strains of mice with differing tendencies to gain weight and develop diabetes on a high-fat diet. Researchers C. Ronald Kahn says, “Although this study was done with mice, it points out new mechanisms that may underlie the ability of genetically different mice?and perhaps genetically different people?to not gain much weight on high caloric diets.”
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