Since 1999, has been recommending that people switch from incandescent lightbulbs to fluorescents, and now Australia is planning to ban incandescents altogether, effective in 2010. This will cut greenhouse gas emissions by 4 million tons by the crucial year of 2012 (the year the Mayans predicted the world would end).

The incandescent light bulb, which was invented in the 19th century, wastes energy by giving off heat while the light is switched on. California, which has long been in the vanguard when it comes to preventing global warming, may be the first state in the US to do the same.
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From an unprecedented locust swarm in southern Mexico tofearsome hailstorms in Australia to one of the deadliestwinters in United States and European histories, worldweather continues in a state of extreme violence.

The most recent outbreak of tornadoes in the southeasternUnited States generated an unusual “major severe weatheroutbreak” from the US Storm Prediction Center. The stormsmoved across ground at the extraordinary speed of fiftymiles an hour, leaving widespread destruction and at leasttwenty people dead. This is the third major tornadicoutbreak in the US this winter. The previous two outbreakswere on December 25 and February 2, both in Florida. TheFebruary 2 event also killed at least 20 people.
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If you look around any organization, chances are you’ll be able to find at least one person whose negative behavior affects the rest of the group to varying degrees. Just one negative person in an office or other organization can have powerful and often detrimental influence on the others. Where in the US are workers happiest? The UNhappiest workers are in the Middle Atlantic states (NY, NJ and PA), with the West South Central region (TX, OK, AR, LA) coming in second. The most content workers tend to reside in the Mountain states (MT, ID, WY, NV, UT, CO, AZ, NM), where 56% percent of all workers say they are satisfied with their job.
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The traditional US business model is to get together with co-workers and kick ideas around, but it turns out that geniuses work alone.

New research shows that people have a harder time coming up with alternative solutions to a problem when they’re with a group than when they’re alone. Researchers demonstrated this by offering participants one kind of soft drink, then asking them what other kinds they might like. People who were alone came up with many more suggestions.

This is good news for companies that place ads on TV shows that are watched in groups, such as the Superbowl, since it means that the people watching their message are less likely to reject it in favor of an alternative.
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