Video of a BBC News broadcast from the World Trade Centerarea on 9/11 has surfaced revealing that the BBC reportedthe collapse of Building 7 approximately 23 minutes beforeit actually went down. The reporter is seen in the videoapparently reading a teleprompter reporting the collapsewhile the building is still standing in the backgroundbehind her.

The BBC has claimed that it lost all of the video of itsreportage on 9/11, but a copy of the report has been playedon a British television program and is now posted on theinternet. As can be seen in our full report, dozens of prominentUS officials are now questioning the 9/11 story.
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Whitley’s Journals are always provocative, but his new journal entry will open your eyes in a way he has never done before! In it, he indites not only the current government, but the mainstream media as well, for refusing to see the incredible conspiracy which is right before its eyes. He writes, “If you want to know what will happen?well, I suggest you read the script.” Read it first here!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

UPDATE – We recently delivered a warning that, despite all denials, the US is getting ready to bomb Iran?or perhaps have Israel do the job for us. In the March 5th issue of the New Yorker, Seymour Hersh says we are about to attack Iran, something he warned us about last April. UPDATE: There may be a US military revolt brewing.

In the Independent, Anne Penketh writes that, “A Pentagon unit is planning for a bombing attack on Iran which could be carried out ?within 24 hours.” She is referring to the article by Hersh, in which he says that a “special planning group” has been set up that is “charged with creating a contingency bombing plan for Iran that can be implemented, upon orders from the [US] President, within 24 hours.”
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After retired US Air Force General Phil Corso, whom Whitley knew personally, told former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer that the 1947 Roswell UFO crash took place, Hellyer went public about the cover-up. In the upcoming screening of a new documentary to be shown in Canada on March 7, he will explain why he thinks that that ET technology could help us solve the problem of global warming.

Files from the Canadian government confirm that five government departments have been involved in collecting data and conducting investigations on UFOs since 1947. This coincides with what Nick Pope uncovered about the British Ministry of Defense.
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