You can’t convict a killer without a body, and now scientists have discovered a new way to locate hidden graves. They’re also using CSI techniques to determine if ancient peoples wore plaid (or its equivalent).

Experts have discovered almost 500 compounds that dogs can smell that are specifically linked to buried corpses. In, Charles Q. Choi quotes forensic anthropologist Arpad Vass as saying, “The faster you can find graves, the more evidence you can recover.”
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In the last few years we’ve had some near misses with asteroids and will again in the future. A team of scientists and engineers are striving to save humanity from asteroid impacts that could threaten life on earth.

Richard Fork is assembling a team to conduct research into deflecting asteroids that may endanger us. We now know it was an asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. One of his plans is to someday use a laser beam to trace, and perhaps alter, their trajectories.
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When it comes to the health of ourselves and our planet, big business, which is invested in short-term profits, is usually the enemy of long term planning. Oil companies have even spread disinformation about global warming. But that may finally be changing.

Ninety international companies have released a joint statement declaring that immediate action is needed to stave off global warming. They?re asking governments to join together to mandate international emissions standards on things like power plants and automobiles. In, Andrea Thompson quotes Volvo president Tomas Ericson as saying, “As an industry, we are part of the problem, but we are also part of the solution.”
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Subscribers will have a chance to chat with British UFO investigator Nick Pope on March 3. Meanwhile, Pope is investigating a newly released set of UK military documents reveal that the British government, concerned that we were about to be attacked by aliens, has been analyzing UFO sightings for many years. Many of these sightings were made by the military.

The almost 500 pages of secret documents, many of them marked “Secret UK Eyes A,” describe over 10,000 UFO sightings in the UK, and were declassified in response to a freedom of information request from journalism professor David Clarke. The declassification revealed that the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars was spend on investigating these sightings.
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