In the wake of global warming and the genetic manipulation of seeds, many countries around the world are starting seed banks.

The latest seed bank will freeze seeds inside a mountain in Norway called Svalbard, where they will stay frozen and dry even if glaciers melt and sea levels rise. CNN quotes agricultural expert Cary Fowler as saying, “It will be the best freezer in the world by several orders of magnitude. The seeds will be safe there for decades?Svalbard is a safety backup?and we hope we never have to use it.”

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We’ve written about how working out at the gym before you get your flu shot will make it work better. Now we’ve learned that your annual flu shot may protect you against bird flu as well.

The yearly flu vaccine that health officials urge people to get each fall might also offer certain individuals some cross protection against the H5N1 (bird flu) virus, commonly known as bird flu as well. Investigators found that a protein present in the annual influenza shot can act as a vaccine itself and trigger some cross protection against H5N1 in mice; and that some human volunteers already had antibodies directed against the same part of this virus.
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The Chilean army has revealed previously classified recordings and contacts with UFOs, spanning over 30 years, which was presented to over a thousand people at a recent UFO conference in Santiago. A video was shown of Chilean helicopters pursuing a UFO that was picked up on naval radar. A recent event took place on March 27, 2000, when a Citation II military jet that was flying at 3,000 feet observed an unknown object 120 feet long flying nearby. The release of this and other information was authorized by Army Commander-in-Chief Oscar Izurieta.

Art credit: Dana Augustine
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A new study reveals that online daters, both men and women, usually fib about either their height or weight, and sometimes their age. In their internet ads, men systematically overestimated their height, while women more commonly underestimated their weight. Communications expert Jeffrey Hancock says, “Surprisingly, age-related deception was minimal and did not differ by gender.”

About 52.6% of the men in the study lied about their height, as did 39% of the women. Slightly more women lied about their weight (64.1%) than did men (60.5%). When it came to age, 24.3% of the men were untruthful, compared with 13.1% of the women.
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