Mites, pesticides and extreme winter weather are being blamed for the loss of billions of bees just as they are needed to pollinate crops nationwide. The number of honeybee colonies in the US has dropped by 50% in the past 25 years, and the winter die-off this year has made the situation much worse. Without bees to pollinate them, crops fail. There is no other means of pollination.
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Will your new lover cheat on you? One way to avoid this is to make sure the two of you are genetically compatible.

A new study shows that a group of genes that are involved in your immune system can predict what type of person you will be sexually attracted to?as well as how faithful this person will be! In, Jeanna Bryner quotes psychologist Christine Garver-Apgar as saying, “These are some of the first findings that I know of that get at this idea of romantic chemistry and what it is exactly that makes two people just so compatible and attracted to each other.”
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The recent wave of UFO sightings is still going on. A local TV station in Winston-Salem North Carolina reports that strange objects have been seen in the sky. Witness Jamarus Crews took a photo of one of them on his cell phone. As usual, they were described as flying silently, with many lights. Crews is quoted as saying, “From the first time I saw it until it was gone, it was 45 seconds and it crossed the entire sky.” All of this is typical of UFO sightings.

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Does the fact that Greek vases depict figures in the nude mean that the ancient Greeks saw beauty in the human body?as artists have throughout time?or at the Greeks often went without clothes?

In, Corey Binns quotes historian Jeffrey Hurwit as saying, “In ancient Greek art, there are many different kinds of nudity that can mean many different things. Sometimes they are contradictory.” Most historians think that the Greeks mostly kept their clothes on?it was the Romans, who came later, who were the sexual libertines.
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