Women: Don’t be afraid to suggest a romantic film for Valentine’s Day. New research shows that men like “women’s films” as much as women do.

“Chick flicks” aren’t just for women. According to psychologist Richard Harris, who made a study of our movie-going habits, guys like romantic movies, too. He says, “Everyone thinks that women like romantic movies and that they drag guys along to them. What is significant was that the guys also like these movies, and that the choice to view a romantic movie is usually made together as a couple, not just by the girl.”
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Governments can’t seem to stop bickering long enough to do anything practical about global warming, so a UK entrepreneur has taken things into his own hands: Richard Branson, the CEO of Virgin Records and Virgin airlines, has offered a $25 million prize to anyone who can come up with a system to removed greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
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Why February 14? Is it because it’s so cold, and thus a good time to cuddle under the blankets? There’s much more to it that that.

Psychologist Galdino Pranzarone knows all about the origin, history and symbolism of Valentine’s Day. He says, “February has been the traditional time of year when, after the winter solstice and during the apparent lengthening of daylight period, many animals?with us humans among them?begin the yearly frenzy of spring mating and reproduction. The Romans held love and fertility celebrations in February. These were called the Lupercalia, a time of love, eroticism and sexual license.
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Are hackers trying to get into your computer right now? And what are they up to? A recent university study reveals that computers with internet access are attacked an average of every 39 seconds.
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