The way to be happy may be to live in a country where everyone else is happy too. If you live in Denmark, you live in the happiest country in the world. Switzerland, Austria and Iceland are next, in that order. Canada is number 10 and the US is number 23, behind Costa Rica, The Netherlands and Norway.
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It’s flu season, and we hope you’ve gotten your flu vaccination this year (it’s a myth that flu shots give you the flu?they can’t. But it sometimes seems that way when people have already been exposed to the flu virus by the time they get their injection). Scientists have found a way to enhance the flu vaccine’s immune response, so it will work better.

A new study has found that a brief session of muscle-building exercise, such as weight lifting, before receiving a flu shot can enhance a person’s immune response. The immune system’s reaction differs markedly between men and women, however, and exactly how exercise influences the process remains unclear.
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We recently wrote about how the administration is forcing climate scientists to use fake science to “explain” global warming. Now it turns out that states like Florida will not even have access to the REAL science they do. This is particularly important in Florida, which is especially vulnerable to hurricanes, which have increased due to warmer ocean temperatures.
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