UPDATE – February 2nd is Groundhog Day, when Punxsutawney Phil either emerges from his hole for good (meaning spring is on the way) or comes out, sees his shadow, then runs back inside (meaning winter isn’t yet over). UPDATE: Phil did NOT see his shadow today, meaning we will have an early spring, but that’s not necessarily good news, either for us or for Phil. Phil has been ahead of the curve when it comes to predicting global warming, because he hasn’t been seeing his shadow as often in recent years.
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On January 26, a pair of UFOs was seen in Hawaii by several people. Witness Peter Hollingworth, who lives in Honolulu, describes his sighting as “these two little fireballs with a stream behind it.” He says they “looked kind of like a shooting star but it just kept going. They changed directions a few times, at first it was coming in then it turned, then it went out then it came back in again.”

Hollingsworth was surfing with his 12-year-old son, when they both saw two lights circling in the sky. WLTX-TV quotes University of Hawaii astronomer Gareth Wynn-Williams as saying, “This in a sense is an unidentified flying object. It’s something in the sky that’s moving that we haven’t identified.” A UFO was also seen over Hawaii 3 years ago.
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National UFO Reporting Center director Peter Davenportreports that he has spoken to a direct witness of the UFOevent over O’Hare Airport, who says that the UFO imagepublished on this website and elsewhere was not what wasseen. Because an original, unretouched picture without theUFO present in it has been provided, it must be concludedthat the picture is a probable hoax.

“An actual, original witness to the O’Hare Airport UFOsighting and has confirmed the photos being passed aroundthe Internet are NOT what was seen.”
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Major scientists have long charged that the Bush administration pushes pseudo-science, based on belief and denial, that caters to politics and big business. Now Rep. Henry Waxman (D-California) has revealed that every time his committee has tried to get documents about government policy on climate change from the White House, they have been refused. Climatologists say they have been told not to even MENTION the words “climate change” or “global warming.”
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