On this week’s Dreamland, Linda Howe presents a dynamic report about the November 27 UFO that was spotted hovering over O?Hare airport in Chicago, from a first-hand witness who works at the airport. This is a photograph of it. You can see it right above the edge of the terminal roof on the upper left. That is terminal C-17, the United Terminal. The American plane passing in the background is going to another terminal. The FAA claims it was a cloud. Keep reading to see an incredible photo of this UFO.

You can count on us unknowncountry.com to bring you REAL NEWS (as well as well-informed opinions from both Anne and Whitley) about UFOs?and unlike most so-called UFO researchers, we know what we’re talking about!
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Researchers have discovered the secret of how elephants communicate. They know that dolphins and whales talk to each other from long distances away. They’ve discovered a parrot that may be able converse like a human being. Now they think that fish talk to each other as well.

In LiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi quotes fish expert Timothy Tricas as saying, “We know so far that at least 1,000 fish species make sounds, with a huge diversity of means by which they generate and listen to sounds. There’s only a handful we know well so far.”
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At the same time that the average American is getting too fat, actresses and models are becoming too skinny (and setting a dangerous precedent for ordinary women).

Dr. Eric van Furth, president of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) says, “Too many models have died from eating disorders. Recent tragic deaths highlight the urgent need for industry regulation.”

Women and men over the age of 18 should have a minimum body mass index threshold of 18.5, which means that a female model who is 5′ 9″ must weigh more than 126 pounds. Any weight below this is considered underweight by the World Health Organization. To find your own body/mass index rating, click here.
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It may be safe to travel to countries (mostly in Asia) that have bird flu, but it’s not necessarily safe to travel on an airplane with people who have it!

Viruses are easily passed around in the confined air of an aircraft, and an a team of researchers has constructed a model that predicts how an emerging pandemic influenza might spread across the globe by airliners, just as SARS did.

The H5N1 bird flu virus has not yet resulted in a pandemic because the virus lacks the ability to spread efficiently between humans. It’s known that flocks of birds have infected people, although not all researchers agree that it has been passed from person to person.
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