UPDATE – We recently asked the question, Are we about to invade Iran? We now have an two updates on this story, both containing information you won’t learn from US news reports. FURTHER UPDATE: Politicians in Israel seem to be preparing the Israeli public for a military attack on Iran.
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Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances in the world. A reanalysis of amounts of nicotine in major brand name cigarettes sold in Massachusetts from 1997 to 2005 has confirmed what reseachers have long suspected: manufacturers have steadily increased the levels of this addictive substance in cigarettes, probably in order to make it harder to quit smoking.

An independent analysis, based on data submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health by cigarette manufacturers, found that increases in smoke nicotine yield per cigarette averaged 1.6% each year, or about 11% over the seven-year period of 1998-2005.
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We recently reported on hundreds of dead birds being found on the ground, and even hanging from the trees, in Australia and various cities in the US. Now even more of them are showing up in Australia.

Perthnow.com reports that yet another 200 dead birds have been found in Australia, making the number of mysterious bird deaths close to 4,000. Autopsies of the birds have ruled out disease and authorities are waiting for further autopsy results, in order to determine whether pesticides or poisons are responsible.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

We’ve been warned that terrible things may happen in the future, but here at unknowncountry.com, we dwell on the good things too, because based on the past, we predict an extraordinary future ahead.
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There is very little snow in the mountains, all over the world. In the US, Alaska seems to be the first victim of global warming. How is climate change going to affect where the weather where YOU live?

The weather is all mixed up: it?s snowing in California and there are ice storms in Texas, but there will won?t be much ice skating in the Northeast and Midwest, since the lakes aren?t freezing.

An international team of climatologists has made a map that shows how global warming will change the climate in different parts of the world as the 21st century progresses. In New Scientist, Kate Ravilious quotes Mich?le B

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more