In the January 19 edition of the Wall Street Journal, Sharon Begley, author of Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Power to Transform Ourselves, describes how the Dalai Lama is working with neurologists to try to answer the question of how the mind shapes the brain.

Neurologists know that the our mental experiences are created by chemical and electrical changes in the brain?but can our mental experiences, in turn, change the chemical and electrical signals inside the brain? Zen Buddhist meditation says this is the case, but Western science hasn’t proved it yet. Begley’s book discusses this topic.
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Joe Kovacs reports in that Colonel Brian Fields has photographed colorful, hovering lights in Arkansas that fit the description of the famous Phoenix Lights that were seen a decade ago in Arizona. Kovacs quotes Fields, who is retired from the Air Force, as saying, “I believe these lights were not of this world, and I feel a duty and responsibility to come forward. I have no idea what they were.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

We may be about to invade Iran and at the same time, UFO sightings there continue. A glowing yellow UFO with a red center was spotted over the city of Bouyer Ahmad in Iran on Wednesday. The FARS News Agency reports that a witness says it hovered in the sky for over an hour. Two days earlier, on Monday, another UFO was sighted in Iran. Military experts suspect that these UFOs may actually military spy drones, getting ready for war.
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From a billion dollar crop loss in California to devastating windstorms across Europe, the Northern Hemisphere is in the grip of some of the worst winter weather seen in decades, and additional severe blasts are predicted for the weekend and into next week. In mid December, the Gulf Stream faltered for approximately ten days. On December 11, a well-defined drain of southward moving warm water appeared, and persisted until December 19, when it began to close. By December 21, the stream appeared relatively normal, but the volume of the subsurface flow remains an open more