One reason to protect the Amazon rain forest is that we are still discovering major new drugs there. For thousands of years, people around the world have lived intimately with botanical healing agents and evolved effective healing traditions, and pharmaceutical companies regularly mine the wisdom of ancient cultures in this way. The Mayo clinic has recently revived the healing wisdom of Pacific Island cultures by testing a plant extract described in a 17th century Dutch herbal text for its antibiotic properties. The rise of superbugs means that we constantly need to discover new and powerful antibiotics.
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Dark matter is a mystery, but some things about it are known. It?s an invisible form of matter whose total mass in the universe is more than five times that of “normal” matter (atoms). Astronomers think that our universe is made up of around 70% dark energy or dark matter, so it’s important to understand it.

A lot of new information about dark energy has come from NASA?s Hubble telescope. An international team of astronomers has created the first three-dimensional map of the distribution of dark matter in the universe. But they still don?t know exactly what it is.
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Just like the drugs we take that come from exotic rain forests, some of the spices we use every day have incredible health benefits too, so we should probably use MORE of them.

Ginger is good for nausea. Peppermint is good for a stomach ache. But spices can also help ward off serious diseases. Dr. Suzanna Zick says the right spices can “help prevent certain cancers, and even lower blood pressure, control blood sugar and improve cardiovascular health.” And don’t forget the exotic spice that the world is stockpiling to use against bird flu!
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Now leaking sensitive government documents or vital information about the company you work for will be easier, thanks to a special new web site that guarantees that your identity cannot be traced!
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