A little over a year ago, NASA said there was no life on Mars. Now it turns out that we may have discovered life on Mars over 30 years ago, from soil samples taken during the Viking landings. We just didn’t analyze them correctly.
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This is the time of year when people make predictions for the New Year. Scientists make predictions too, and meteorologists say that 2007 will be the hottest year ever recorded, all over the world.

There’s a 60% chance that 2007 will break the record set in1998, when the weather worldwide was 1.20 degrees warmer than normal. Britain’s Meteorological Office says, “This new information represents another warning that climate change is happening around the world.”
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If you have too much corn, you try to find a way to use it for fuel. If you have lots of cows, you do the same thing.

Cow manure, waste silage, cheese whey are waste products to some, but viable energy sources to researchers in New York State who are helping area dairy farmers meet their own energy needs by turning these waste products into “biogas” (and this is NOT the kind of gas expelled by cows).
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First the Japanese invented a cloak that makes the wearer invisible. Now someone has invented underwear that never needs to be washed (good for the military) and a shirt you can spray onto your skin from a can (perfect for travel!)

The underwear contains chemicals that repel water, oil and bacteria and is made of material that cost the US military $20 million to develop. Fabrican is a spray-on fabric in a can that was invented by researcher Manel Torres.

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