What if victims of terrorism, who have had their limbs hacked off, could grow a new one? What if a paralyzed person could grow a new spine?or someone with heart disease could grow a new heart? This might be something that actually comes true, in the not-so-distant future.

Scientists are studying zebrafish to see how it’s done. If a zebrafish loses a chunk of its tail fin, it’ll grow back within a week. Like lizards, newts, and frogs, a zebrafish can replace surprisingly complex body parts. A tail fin, for example, has many different types of cells and is a very intricate structure. It is the fish version of an arm or leg.
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We recently wrote about how an island nation is drowning in India. Here in the US, Alaska is facing major weather changes. Now, due to the rise in the ocean levels, an island off South Carolina is disappearing.

A photo taken in 2003 of the Isle of Palms resort shows a large beach. Another photo, taken in December in the same place, reveals that the beach and its dunes have disappeared. Instead, there are rows of sandbags, that have been put there to keep nearby buildings from flooding.

In the Daniel Island News, Tom Ratzloff quotes Charleston Mayor Joe Riley as saying, “We?re facing some tough, difficult issues?the responsibility for us in this country and other developing countries is that we have responsibility for planning regionally.”
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A class of especially hardy microbes that live in some of the harshest environments on earth could flourish on cold Mars, according to a research team of astronomers and microbiologists. NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity may discover some of them in the Victoria crater, which it is about to explore.

Opportunity is about to reach the rim of a crater that is wider and deeper than any it has visited so far, in over two years roving around Mars. BBC News quotes NASA’s Ray Arvidson as saying, “?We are very interested in whether the rocks [in the crater] continue to show evidence for having been formed in shallow lakes.”
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Whitley will be on Coast to Coast AM radio with Art Bell on Thursday, Janaury 4, starting at 11 p.m. Pacific time. He’ll be talking with Art about global warming, UFOs, his new novel The Grays and the new novel he is writing right now. This will be an exciting show, so don’t miss it!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more