Everyone who loves science, that includes the writers and readers of this web site, has been dismayed by the anti-scientific stance of the current administration?particularly since there is absolutely no reason that science and religion have to clash.

After criticizing researchers in academia, the Bush administration is now trying to control its own scientists?the ones who work at the US Geological Survey (USGS)?when their study results come up with conclusions that go against official government policies, by make new rules that require the screening of all facts and interpretations before the data is released to the public.
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Can you judge a man’s faithfulness by his face? How about whether he would be a good father or a good provider? Many people believe they can, and a social psychologist who did an online study about this decided they were right.

Researcher Daniel J. Kruger conducted a series of online experiments showing 854 male and female undergraduate students versions of composite male faces that had been altered to look more or less masculine by adjusting, for example, the shape of the jaw, the strength of brow ridges and the thickness of lips.
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Whitley Strieber wishes a Happy New Year to all, inthe form of a journal entry that calls attention to theastonishing human achievements that have made our world amuch better place over the past hundred years. He points out that lifespan has more than doubled worldwide in a hundred years, illiteracy has plummeted, and starvation is a thing of the past in most of the world.read more

In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “This year, Christmas was on Monday, which I think is the most counter-intuitive day of the week for such a festive holiday. You can’t figure out what you’re supposed to be doing the rest of the week or when stores, schools and post offices will be closed or open, etc. My Christmas was even more confusing than usual, because while we had planned to go to Texas to spend the day at the annual big family celebration, we had an important meeting scheduled on the Wednesday after the holiday, so we had to cancel our plans. I kept thinking, ‘There must be some REASON I?m going to be here for Christmas, and I need to figure out what it is.’ It turned out to be a fairly straightforward version of the loaves & fishes.”
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