This has been a major period for UFO sightings, which have taken place in the US in California and Wyoming, and as far away as the UK and Poland.

In UFO Digest, Piotr Cielebia? quotes Ryszard Grabczynski, who photographed a UFO in Poland, as saying, “These photos were taken accidentally?I was photographing the Moon and then I cast a glance in the West. At first moment I thought that it was a planet but the color [dark orange] seemed unnatural. After a while I noticed that it’s moving slowly and?what?s interesting?began to change intensity and color of light.”
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We recently reported the shocking revelation that at the time of her death in 1997, Princess Diana was being bugged by our largest spy agency, the NSA, which does electronic eavesdropping. Sources say they were probably monitoring Diana’s friendship with controversial financier Teddy Forstmann. A British investigation into her death reveals more incredible facts that Americans have never heard.
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Sometimes dolphins seem almost human and their DNA IS close to ours. That might be why the world’s tallest man (who is Chinese) recently saved two of them.

CNN reports that “the long arms of the world’s tallest man reached in and saved two dolphins by pulling out plastic from their stomachs.” The dolphins got sick after eating plastic from the edge of their pool at an aquarium in China. According to CNN, “Veterinarians then decided to ask for help from Bao Xishun, a 7-feet-9 herdsman from Inner Mongolia with 41.7-inch arms?[who] was confirmed last year by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s tallest living man.”

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