We’ve speculated many times about how the ancient Egyptians may have been able to hoist so many large heavy stones into place. A new theory says that some of the giant building blocks in the pyramids may actually be made of concrete, which is much lighter in weight than limestone.
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Three years ago, we reported that the secret of the famous Stradivarius and Guarneri violins that were produced in Cremona, Italy in the 18th century was basically a result of global warming. These violins are still prized by musicians today, and modern violin-makers have never been able to duplicate their beautiful sound.
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When he worked at the Ministry of Defense in the UK, Nick Pope was head of a project that analyzed UFO reports from 1991-94, and he published several books about the reports that led to his realization that UFOs are real. He has now resigned from the MoD,stating that defense and national security considerationsmandate that governments take the UFO situation more seriously. This weekend, subscribers can listen to his reasons in aninterview by Whitley Strieber.
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People who study ancient Egypt have speculated that perhaps the pyramid builders used sound to levitate the gigantic stones into place. Mainstream scientists scoffed at this idea but now they’re taking levitation seriously.

Scientists have now levitated small live animals using only sounds. Chinese scientists have used ultrasound to levitate small amounts of incredibly heavy substances, such as iridium and mercury. In LiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi quotes researcher Wenjun Xie as saying, “What will happen if a living animal is put into the acoustic field? Will it also be stably levitated?”

The scientists were able to float ants, beetles, spiders, ladybugs, bees, tadpoles and fish in midair.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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