English sources are reporting mysterious sightings of orange orbs in the sky above major cities in the UK.

Shoreham, Essex, Liverpool and Brighton seem to be the places where the most sightings took place. This is London quotes one witness as saying, “I saw this big orange light in the sky. Then another one appeared in mid-air. Then another. And another.”
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A “flying apparatus” had been reported as crashing in Russiaby numerous Russian news agencies, but officials in thecrash area are now saying that the reports have beeninvestigated and that it apparently did not happen. A helicopterflyover identified the scene, and reported no evidence offire or of any crash debris. Siberian Regional Center ofMinistry for Emergencies spokesperson Sergey Andriyanko has now said, “we report officially that it has been a false alarm.”

Local residents had told police that an unknown aircraftcrashed in the forest near Yeniseisk and Lesosibirsk atabout 10 o’clock yesterday morning.’
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In baseball dugouts, we see players swigging special sports drinks that are designed to replace the salt lost in sweat, but if they listened to the results of a new study, they would be drinking chocolate milk instead!

Eddie Pells reports in LiveScience.com that a small group of fit athletes worked out on a stationery bicycle, then drink low-fat chocolate milk, a fluid-replacement drink like Gatorade and a carbohydrate replacement drink like Endurox R4. A few hours later, they rode their bikes again, this time until they were exhausted.
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Two years ago we reported that biologists think that 8% of sheep are gay. A new museum exhibition in Oslo, Norway, documents the fact that 50 species of animals exhibit signs of homosexuality.

In LiveScience.com, Sara Goudarzi quotes museum coordinator Petter Bockman as saying, “Homosexuality has been observed in more than 1,500 species, and the phenomenon has been well described for 500 of them.” Almost one-fourth of black swan families have homosexual parents, who raise the chicks from eggs donated by heterosexual pairs.
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