Scientists have discovered that dolphins are genetically close to humans. Now they’ve learned that humpback whales have a type of brain cell that is seen only in humans, the great apes, and dolphins, and there may be a very special reason for this.
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Five years ago we posted a story about how the ancient prophets at Delphi in Greece may have been high on natural gas. Now scientists think that the culprit may have been carbon dioxide. Does this mean that the increasing levels of CO2 in OUR atmosphere will produce widespread wisdom? We certainly may need it in the future.
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In everything from neurology to medicine, the West is now starting to listen to wisdom from the East. A major drug company is using Chinese medicine, which relies on natural ingredients, in its search for new medicines.

He describes how Chinese botanist Shen Jingui is searching for a tiny flower called the snow lotus, that has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. For the last 30 years, he has been traveling across China in order to locate the rare plants and herbs that are used in traditional medicine. He then sells these to the giant Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis, which is spending millions of dollars to finance the work of Chinese botanists who are searching out these plants throughout China.
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If you travel to the Uptown Theater in Kansas City, Missouri on Saturday, December 9 at 3 p.m., you can hear 3 major conspiracy theorists speak in an all-day session that will curl your hair! Popular Dreamland co-host Jim Marrs will talk about government conspiracies (including Roswell) and secret societies, radio host Joshua P. Warren will talk about ghosts and ESP, and Nick Redfern (who has a subscriber interview posted on our website) will talk about UFOs and cryptids. A book-signing will follow. To learn more, click here.

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