We’ve written before that riding a bike can be the end of a man’s sex life. Now we’ve learned that it can be the end of a woman’s sexuality as well.

Women who ride bicycles frequently may have less genital sensitivity, and sometimes even pain. LiveScience.com quotes researcher Martha Guess as saying, “While seated on a bicycle, the external genital nerve and artery are directly compressed. It is possible that chronic compression of the female genital area may lead to compromised blood flow and nerve injury due to disruption of the blood-nerve barrier.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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Scientists have discovered that having money?and even just the IDEA of money?makes people selfish instead of generous, as we might hope it would. You wouldn’t think it would take a scientist to figure THAT out!

Psychologist Kathleen Vohs led a team that conducted experiments in which participants completed a number of tasks while being exposed to “play” money or pictures of money. The researchers found that those exposed to reminders of money worked longer on tasks before asking for help and were less helpful toward others. They also preferred to play alone, work alone and put more physical distance between themselves and a new acquaintance. Some of the psychologists involved in the study described this behavior as being self-sufficient more than being selfish.
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On a recent Dreamland show, Linda Howe reported on the phenomenon that’s come to be known as red rain. Does this rain, which started falling over Southern India 2 years ago, contain extraterrestrial bacteria?
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In her newest diary, Anne Strieber writes: “While I’ve written about the Green Man twice in my diaries, and even become a sort of ambassador for him, I’ve only met him metaphorically. Now I’ve heard from some one who met him in the flesh (or maybe the correct term is, ‘in the leaves.’)”

This Christmas, YOU have a chance to meet?and give?the Green Man too.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more