On this week’s Dreamland, we interview world famous Egyptologist John Anthony West, so it’s appropriate that a new Egyptian tomb has just been discovered?containing the graves of three royal dentists!

Reporter Sierra Millman writes that the tomb was discovered thanks to the arrest of three grave robbers. Archeologists says the tomb was protected from discovery for thousands of years by a curse, saying that anyone who violated the graves would be eaten by a crocodile and a snake.
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What would it be like to be adopted and to hire a private detective to trace your roots?only to find out that you are a princess? It sounds like the kind of thing that only happens in movies or fairy tales, but it really happened to a college student in West Virginia.

Sarah Culberson says, “I never dreamt something like this could happen.” She has been on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” and on the front page of the Los Angeles Times as well as other newspapers. Culberson grew up in Virginia after being adopted as an infant by Jim and Judy Culberson.
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Scientists recently dug up a 154-pound meteorite that had been buried 4 feet deep in a Kansas wheat field. They located the meteorite by using radar technology that NASA someday hopes to use on Mars.

Roxana Hegeman writes in LiveScience.com that this new technology was able to locate the meteorite precisely and make an accurate three-dimensional image of it, while it was still in the ground. Space scientist Patricia Rieff says, “It validates the technique so we can use something similar to that instrument when we go to Mars.”
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We’re not only polluting the earth: In the process, we’re polluting our children. Scientists think that pollution may be the cause of disabilities and diseases like Parkinson’s, autism, attention deficit disorder and cerebral palsy.

Jeremy Laurance writes in the Independent that “chemical pollution may have harmed the brains of millions of children around the world in what scientists are calling a ‘silent pandemic.'” Some of the worst pollutants are lead and mercury, but there are over 200 chemicals that are known to damage the brain, even at low levels of exposure.

In LiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi quotes environmentalist Richard Fuller as saying, “[Pollutants] cause an enormous amount of misery and harm, especially to children.”
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