In the submicroscopic world, things behave in strange ways. The laws of quantum mechanics are different from the Newtonian laws that govern the macro world?for instance, one quantum physicist has discovered that he can lower the temperature of an object or cause it to move just by watching it.
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Researchers have discovered that we can be influenced by sexy ads on TV, even when they are subliminal?in other words, they flash by too fast for us to be consciously aware of them.

In, Ker Than describes an experiment in which 40 men and women were shown subliminal erotic images that had been manipulated to bypass their conscious awareness. All they saw was a probe pattern, and they were asked to tell whether it was moving clockwise or counter clockwise. The trick was that this pattern appeared where a sexy image had sometimes briefly flashed onto the screen just before.
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Author and explorer Graham Hancock has tirelessly explored ancient culture, and has learned that ancient cultures made some important discoveries that even our modern science does not know about yet. This week on Dreamland, he talks about the meanings of ancient art in prehistoric caves. One of the world’s oldest buildings, filled with art, has just been discovered.

Archeologists have discovered that an ancient, untouched Syrian tomb that was discovered six years ago, filled with human and animal remains, gold and silver treasures and unbroken artifacts dating back to the third millennium BC, is one of eight that are located near each other.
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This week on Dreamland, we interview author and adventurer Graham Hancock, whose new book Supernatural takes us back to the wisdom of the prehistoric world. A recent fossil find reminds us of how mysterious that world still is.

Scientists in Ethiopia have discovered the fossilized remains of a child who lived 3.3 million years ago who they have named “Selam,” which means “peace” in the local language. Selam and another fossil found in the same area called “Lucy,” who may be her mother, could be the “missing links” between chimpanzees and humans.

Selam had a lower body that was human-like and she walked upright on two legs, but her upper body was closer to that of a chimpanzee, with long arms that allowed her to swing from trees like a chimp.
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